

Page history last edited by Mrs. Train 9 years ago

Yes, this page needs organizing. Yes, I'll do it. Eventually :-)



Writing Skills


University and some high-school writing centres share advice and handouts on the internet. These centres are usually set up to tutor students in writing skills and hold workshops throughout the year. Here is a list of some sites that I've found, just a few that are available.




Please click the heading to go to information on citation and plagiarism.


Creative Writing

Please click the heading to go to information on creative writing.





http://genius.com/artists/William-shakespeare and other authors (look under LIT)


English Teacher and ESL Blogs

The following are English, ESL and EFL Bloggers who share all sorts of wonderful ideas for incorporating tech into the English classroom. Enjoy:






To Categorize

Character Traits Chart Student Interactive used in the Become a Character Lesson on ReadWriteThink
Metaphor Poems and other Poetry Tools from Poetry Forge
Shakespeare Searched is a database that searches by topic, work and character
Clickable Poems featuring an online journal of hypertext poetry
Make Beliefs Comix provide an easy format for students to create comics
TOPICS an online magazine for English Language Learners


Shakespeare - https://www.tes.com/teaching-shakespeare/


Pinterest Board of Resources - https://www.pinterest.com/tesusa/readers-unite-its-national-book-month/






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