Limudei Kodesh and Hebrew
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Jewish Educational Organizations
Sites and Blogs Discussing Tech & Jewish Education
Firefox Gadgets
- Hebrew calendar - display the Hebrew date in the lower right-hand corner, including holidays, Hebrew or English
- Sifrei Kodesh Search - Search the Hebrew texts of Tana"ch, Mishna, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, Tosefta and Mishna Torah. To use, go up to Tools and pull down arrow.
Google Gadgets
To Sort
WEBQUESTS – Jewish Studies
- http://jwit.cuip.net/~lfliegelman/webquest/ - Haskalah Movement
- http://jwit.cuip.net/~mjaffe/webquest - Halacha for grade 12
- Jacob Richman's Hotlists- Hot list for Jewish History http://www.jr.co.il/hotsites/j-hist.htm
- Centropa- Eastern European Jewish heritage is the focus of web site, that is compiling the largest online library of privately owned pre (and post) Holocaust family photographs and oral histories- http://www.centropa.org/default.as
- Jewish Geneology Web Index- a compendium of thousands of links and information related to researching your Jewish roots- http://jewishwebindex.com/
- Jewish Gen- Created to assist those researching their Jewish ancestry
- Behind the Name:Jewish Names- the etymology and history of first names
- The Museum of the Bais Hamikdash- A virtual tour of the Bais Hamikdash with photographs, illustrations, and detailed explanations
- Reuven Wiser's Virtual Beit HaMikdash- A virtual model of the second Beit HaMikdash (Temple). - http://yucs.org/~rweiser/mik.html
- The Temple Institute in Jerusalem- dedicated to every aspect of the concept of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem- http://www.templeinstitute.org/main.htm
- Jacob Richman's Hotlists- Jewish History resource list
- PBS:Heritage: Civilization and the Jews - timeline, resources and lesson plans
- Steven Spielberg Jewish Movie Archive- Over 3,000 titles on film and video, constituting the largest collection of Jewish documentary film footage in the world. http://www.spielbergfilmarchive.org.il/
- The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg- from the collection of Philologos religious online books- http://philologos.org/__eb-lotj/default.htm
- National Museum of American Jewish History- links to museums, news, history, genealogy sites, etc. http://www.nmajh.org/index.htm
- Jewish Encyclopedia - contains the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia which was originally published between 1901-1906.It contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations.- http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/index.jsp
- ORT- Resources created by World ORT to help you learn more about Judaism and its history http://www.ort.org/asp/group.asp?id=34
- Jerusalem History- Time lines and ancient maps- http://www.jerusalem.muni.il/english/tour/history/history.html
- Jewish Personalities in History
Judaic Texts
- Torah/Talmud Study
- Torah Community Connections- Nechama Leibovitz gilyonot:
Hebrew- http://www.moreshet.net/oldsite/nechama/gilyonot/5760/vzot60_hebrew.htm ; English- http://www.moreshet.net/oldsite/nechama/gilayonarchives.htm
- The Jewish Agency’s Parsha Page- Nechama’s Iyunim and the companion site in English- http://www.jafi.org.il/education/torani/insights/index.html and Hebrew- http://www.jafi.org.il/education/torani/hebgilion/index.html
- The Department for Jewish Zionist Education- The Weekly Parsha, English gilyonot
- Trei Asar -Twelve Prophets - A Teachers' Guide by Shira Smiles, a shareware book- http://www.613.org/smiles/trei-asar/index.htm
- The Torah Scribe- learn about the history of STaM (Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot), what a sofer STaM (Jewish ritual scribe) does and why http://torahscribe.com/
- Learn@JTS- online learning related to numerous Judaic topics http://learn.jtsa.edu/
- 613.org- MP3 audio files large Judaic library http://613.org/
- Etana Books- Electronic Books and Ancient Near Eastern Archives-Jastrow Volume I- http://www.cwru.edu/univlib/preserve/Etana/JAST.DICv1/JAST.DICv1.html
- Etana Books- Electronic Books and Acient Near Eastern Archives-Jastrow Volume II - http://www.cwru.edu/univlib/preserve/Etana/JAST.DICv2/JAST.DICv2.html
- Revadim (Layers) Method for study of Mishnah, Talmud, Jewish Oral Tradition and its literature- http://www.talmud-revadim.co.il/index_e.php
- Tora- text of Tanach with useful clickable cross references and comments on the text. Also on this site is Nachat- for students who participate in the international Bible Contest and an interactive platform for a dialogue among Tanach larners- http://www.tora.us.fm/
- Yeshivat Beit EL- Torah site full of resources, Torah tests, forums, and Ask The Rabbi links. Hebrew- http://www.yeshiva.org.il/ English- http://www.yeshiva.org.il/English/Eindex.htm
- TorahQuest – The Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Educational Department interactive Torah study platform- http://www.torahquest.org/
- Directory of Online Learning - directory on religion, spirituality Judaism- http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Judaism/
- Gemara Berura - Gemara Berura is a structured methodology supported by computer-based help tools and support mechanisms for learning and teaching Gemara- http://www.gemaraberura.com/whatisgb.htm
- E-Daf- learn Talmud online- http://www.e-daf.com/
- OU Radio- Listen to Daf Yomi or Torah lessons- http://www.ouradio.org/index.php/daf/
Judaic Studies Resources and Curriculum
- Lookstein- A wealth of teaching materials and resources in English and Hebrew for all levels and grades in the Jewish educational system abroad- http://www.lookstein.org/home.htm and http://www.lookstein.org/library.php
Lesson plans- http://www.lookstein.org/lesson_plans.php Archives of LOOKJED- archives of Jewish educators discussion list
- Da’at- a major resource of curriculum and teaching material on all areas of Jewish study and thought, arranged by topic in Hebrew; includes tests, articles, source work, work sheets, and lesson plans http://www.daat.ac.il/index.htm
Da’at English resources- http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/english/index.html
- The Department for Jewish Zionist Education- The Weekly Parsha, English gilyonot
- EFL Teachers Professional Development Center- Israeli teachers site contains Web Quests, Israel sites, information on Holidays, events etc.- http://www2.yarden.ac.il/english/index.htm
- Jewish Kids Online- children's activities, games and competitions- http://jewishkidsonline.com/
- Israel Center for Educational Technology- Realizing Every Child's Potential- http://www.cet.org.il/main.asp
- The Jewish Virtual Library- visually rich site, with numerous archeological, ancient history, religious, cultural and political links- http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/
- Jewish Encyclopedia- this website contains the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906- http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/index.jsp
- Jewish Education & Chinuch curriculum Materials- Creative Torah Learning Pavilion, largest database of materials created by Torah educators- http://e-chinuch.com/
- Snunit- Israel’s educational site (Hebrew) - http://www.snunit.k12.il/
- Teaching Hebrew Poetry - (Hebrew) Poetry- http://www.snunit.k12.il/shireshet/frnavat.html
- Judaic curricula -(Hebrew and English) Canadian educator, Nurit Reshef, developed this site- http://www.ualberta.ca/~yreshef/nurit.htm
- Welcome to Jewish Funland- by Dr. Nurit Reshef, a site where children learn playing- http://www.bus.ualberta.ca/yreshef/funland/funland.html
- RabLab Online- the Online Bet Midrash of the Rabbinics Lab at the Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston - student created curriculum web- http://www.uscj.org/ssds/boston/main.htm
- Ministry of Education. Israel-Diaspora Division- (English and Hebrew) Building a Jewish World- http://www.jewish-world.org.il/
- 100 Years of Zionism- Israel's 50th Anniversary- created by the Joint Authority for Jewish Zionist Education in Canada- http://www.bus.ualberta.ca/yreshef/zionism/zionism.html
- Passing Phrase- Learning Hebrew phrases- http://www.learnhebrew.org.il/
- Shahar- (Hebrew) online Tanach and Judaic text lessons- http://www.geocities.com/shahar2003/
- Naphtali Hoff’s workshop abstracts- a collection of themes and presentations in Judaic Studies curricula for teachers- http://jwit.webinstituteforteachers.org/~naphhoff/
- Matal- center for Judaic curricula (Hebrew) http://kaye7.school.org.il/tubishvat2.htm
- The Ziv Giraffe Program: A Curriculum for Tikun Olam- A curriculum based upon the work of two nonprofit organizations teaching the value of tzedakah- giving and charity- http://www.ziv.org/ziv_curriculum.html
- HaMakor- bibliographic help in researching topics within traditional Jewish literature- http://www.aishdas.org/hamakor/
General Jewish Resources
- Judaism and Jewish Resources- directory of Jewish Resources - http://shamash.org/trb/judaism.html
- Jewishnet - Global Jewish Information Network- http://jewishnet.net/
- Judaism 101- covers Jewish beliefs, people, places, things, language, scripture, holidays, practices and customs- http://www.jewfaq.org/index.htm
- Being Jewish - devoted to discussions on being Jewish- http://beingjewish.com/
- Marsha B. Cohen's Jewish Ethics Resource Site- teaches "Ethics of Jewish Living", site provides supplementary and complementary online resource materials for further learning and reflection- http://mcohen02.tripod.com/ethics.html - http://mcohen02.tripod.com/ethics.html
- PEJE- Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Learning- http://www.peje.org/home/
- Associated Talmud Torahs- ATT, Chicago- http://www.att.org/
- BJE - Board of Jewish Education in NY- educational resource center- http://www.bjeny.org/102.asp?dept=Educational%20Resources
- Israel Ministry of Education- (Hebrew only) very well designed sites for the holidays with good resources- http://www.education.gov.il/moe/hagut/
- Jewish National and University Library- Jewish broad range of resources from Hebrew University- http://jnul.huji.ac.il/
- Teacher Elementary School Links- (Hebrew)- http://www.linkim4u.com/elemtry.asp
- Galim- Curricula, excellent site filled with resources, activities, audio-visual aids, games, etc. in every subject matter (Hebrew)- http://www.galim.org.il/
- Rebbe's Corner- teaching Jewish ideas and prayer- http://www.pirchei.co.il/teaching/index.htm
- Jewish Education and Entertainment-The Jewish Trivia Quiz, The Jewish Wisdom Database, My Hebrew Songbook, Israel Geography Game, Language Match Game, Multi-lingual Word Search Game, Hebrew Sign Maker, Jewish Clipart, and more- http://www.j.co.il/
- Be A Mentch- parenting towards kindness, responsibility, and dignity- http://mentsh.com/
Israeli Daily Newspapers:
- Current Jewish Calendar- Jewish interactive calendar- http://www.mechon-mamre.org/jewfaq/current.htm
- Microsoft- support for installing Hebrew in Window-
Office 2000: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;315566 Office 2002 XP: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;311019
- MS Office Proofing Tools - Proofing Tools which provides a neat tool called Fix Broken Text plus the CD has a bunch of great Hebrew fonts that work with everything- http://www.translation.net/microsoft_proof_2003.html
- Bitsela Arts- Graphic resources for building Jewish Web Sites- http://bitsela.com
Free Jewish Graphics- http://www.bitsela.com/freeart.htm
- Hebrew Keyboard Tutor- a Java applet that transforms your keyboard into a Hebrew keyboard- http://www.zigzagworld.com/HKTutor/
- Hebrew English Dictionary - http://www.morfix.co.il/
- Davar Dictionary- free downloadable Hebrew dictionary and lexicon http://www.faithofgod.net/davar/davar.htm
- Yiddish-Hebrew-English-German-Russian-French Picture Dictionary- basic terms- http://www.ibiblio.org/yiddish/Vort/
- Hebrew English Picture Dictionary- http://www.milon.co.il/
- Hebrew Crossword Puzzle Maker
- Interactive maps- (Hebrew)- http://maps.walla.co.il/
- Israel Size Comparison Maps- http://www.iris.org.il/sizemaps.htm
- Snopi- (Hebrew)- wonderful Hebrew tools such as automatic vowelization, rhymes to given words, gimatria, concordance, dictionary and more!- http://www.snopi.com/
- Yiddish-Hebrew-English-German-French Picture Dictionary - http://www.ibiblio.org/yiddish/Vort/
- Guide for working in Hebrew in Windows and on the Web (PDF file)
- Importing text from Judaic databases into Office documents (PDF file)
- My Hebrew Picture Dictionary- a new online resource to learn Hebrew words in a fun way. Each word has an English and Hebrew translation, transliteration and a photograph of the item- http://www.milon.co.il/
- HafuchAl Hafuch- A very useful utility which can be downloaded from a site to change typed text from English to Hebrew using the F10 button and using F6- http://www.freeware.co.il/hebrew/
- Telem- site where you could change text direction without downloading anything, by pasting the flipped text into an online textbox and performing a ‘flip’ command- http://telem.openu.ac.il/cgi-bin/util/CGIHeb
- Etana Books- Jastrow Volume I : A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature- http://www.cwru.edu/univlib/preserve/Etana/JAST.DICv1/JAST.DICv1.html
- Etana Books- Jastrow Volume II: A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature- http://www.cwru.edu/univlib/preserve/Etana/JAST.DICv2/JAST.DICv2.html
Halacha-(Jewish Law)
Hebrew Language
- Jewish Arts
- Artorah.com- Gallery of Jewish art and tradition
- Biblical Image Library- Judaic graphics with a searching component
- Jewish Artists Network- Vilna Gaon Jewish Museum Exhibition - a survey of the Museum, its activities and associations
- Center for Jewish Art- index of Jewish art, endangered art and architecture expeditions, training Jewish art professionals, educational programs
- Old Jewish Music-AABHR.com- early Klezmer, Yiddish melodies, Hebrew cantorials, etc
- EMusic- list of downloadable Jewish holidays and festival music
- Jewish MusicInstitute-SOAS- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, focus on bringing Jewish music to the mainstream British cultural arena
- Jewish Music- collection of music clips, including Sephardic tunes (some of the links do not work)
- The Shapell Family Digitization Project- Israeli songs
- ORT- Jewish art resources
- Internet Jewish History Sourcebook - Great Jewish Music source.
- Dore’s Bibilical Pictures -(Hebrew)
- Shiur.net- MP3 and RealAudio Shiurim online
- MeltonArts.org- Judaism through the arts- lesson plans and interactive units, resources on Israeli artists and dialogues between educators and the artists
- Israeli Music- Israeli music online Listening Room
Teacher Created Samples
- Out Of Spain - Educational and training materials for children 10 to 12 covering Sephardic history,
customs, festivals, music, food and folklore- http://www.outofspain.com/
Limudei Kodesh and Hebrew
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