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Polls, Surveys and Forms

Page history last edited by Mrs. Train 11 years, 11 months ago

Google Forms is a wonderful tool that can be used to create quizzes, surveys and more.  Go to Google Drive/Docs to get started. See more suggestions in the presentation, below.

  • Buzz Dash- free polls that can be embedded on any blog or website  with instant updates
  • Fluid Surveys - easy to use surveys with multiple response formats.
  • Mystudiyo
  • Obsurvey - flexible multiple choice or open-ended surveys.
  • Polldaddy  - free but limited number of polls and up to 10 questions with different response formats.
  • Poll Everywhere  - users respond to polls using text messaging. Free for up to 30 participants.
  • Quizlet
  • Quia - learning activities as well as quizzes and surveys - Great resource the subscriptions are cheap and the activities are easy to set up and link to a site.
  • Survey Monkey
  • Urtak - free polls that can be embedded on blog or website. Customizable with multiple questions, but answers are limited to "yes or no" .
  • Vorbeo -free service for creating polls that can be embedded on your blog or website.
  • Wufoo - an html form building. Lets you create contact forms, web surveys and polls, and invitations to collect the data, registrations and even online payments.
  • Yarp - free, quick, one line surveys with limited answer options
  •  Zoho polls



Article: 80 Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom 

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